Thursday 21 January 2016

Thomas Max(imum disappointment)wells in Parkmore

So, I know many people rave about Thomas Maxwell's and once upon a time I was one of them. However, the last two occasions upon which I have eaten there have been disappointing.  The food has been ok, the prices high and the service, to be honest, dismissive.

For example, the last time I was at the establishment I was taking four of us out for dinner for my sister's birthday.  Now, if you were paying R4.5k without tip (although I did leave one) for a meal and two of you sent back your dessert almost untouched,( The beignets, Don't do it!) would you not expect someone to ask why? When no one did, I volunteered feedback noting that we hadn't eaten more than a bite or two of the dessert because it was not good.  This was pretty much ignored - not even really acknowledged - just shrugged off. Even Spur acknowledges when they don't get things right, but Thomas Maxwell's couldn't care less.

Of the four main meals, one was really good and the other three were mediocre.  I am not going into loads of detail on what we ate, how we ate it and how it tasted.  This is because to be honest the overall experience and attitude left me with only one taste in my mouth and it was sour.  I don't plan to be back because I certainly expected more from the staff of a restaurant of this repute.

Btw. complementary Madeleine's are only a positive if they are fresh and made well. I know Chez Benoit in Paris does it as standard, but my advice is if you can't guarantee the quality, rather leave them out.